Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Event: 2423

I recently had this Warning in my Event Log:

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Windows SharePoint Services 3 Search
Event Category: Gatherer
Event ID: 2423
Date: 2010/03/23
Time: 09:09:04 AM
User: N/A
Computer: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The update cannot be started because all of the content sources were excluded by crawl rules,
or removed from the index configuration.

Context: Application 'Search index file on the search server', Catalog 'Search'

Unspecified error

I checked the Search Administration, and found that all my content sources were "indexing" but no indexing were taking place. I could not pause the crawling, and nothing was being added to the Crawl Logs.

I then restarted the "Windows Services SharePoint Search" service, and the "Office SharePoint Server Search".

I could then pause the various Content Sources, and Indexing started.

Thats it!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Deleting a Site Collection Administrator

I searched every where (almost) on the Net for an answer to this. Adding a secondary site collection administrator is very easy:

stsadm -o siteowner -url http://xxxx/sites/sitename -ownerlogin someuser -secondarylogin someuser2

Walla second site collection administrator added. If you have more than two site collection administrators you can add another by using this command:

stsadm -o adduser -url http://xxxx/sites/sitename -userlogin someuser3 -useremail someuser3@email.com -role "Full Control" -username "someuser3Name Surname" -siteadmin

Now what do you do when you want to remove Someuser3 from the Site Collection Administrators?

Quite easy:

1. Make a note of the user for the SecondaryLogin of the site collection
2. Add the someuser3 to the secondarylogin for the site. This will remove the previous secondarylogin for the site, and add someuser3 as the secondarylogin.
3. Add the user from step 2 (previous secondarylogin) back to the site.

This will remove someruser3 from the site collection administrators for the site collection.